
Normal for Glastonbury

23 Years of Living in the Oddest Town in England


Vicki Steward

Normal for Glastonbury blogger, writer and photographer.

Carrying on Blogging in Glastonbury

An update on my blog so far, or ‘Crikey, this has all got rather exciting’.

I’ve been working for a friend, Daisy Foss, helping run her healing retreat centre and put together her new website and blog. I didn’t really know much about blogging, so I had been looking at the course materials for the course she was doing with a blogger called Sarah Akwisombe  I really liked the way Sarah said blogging was about putting across your own authentic voice and writing about the things that interested you most. Sarah was sweary and funny and honest. Continue reading “Carrying on Blogging in Glastonbury”

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Glastonbury – The Spiritual Supermarket

Overheard in Glastonbury Town

I can’t really take credit for this post. I’ve been busy this week, having a birthday, helping run an Angelic Healing Retreat Centre, organising the infrastructure for a field at Glastonbury Festival, booking pirate folk bands for Tewkesbury Medieval Re-enactment, arranging for this blog to be self hosted and failing to go to the Bardic Trials at the Assembly Rooms because it was just one thing too many. I needed some post content that wouldn’t take too much brain power.

I had some some examples of things I’d overheard in Glastonbury already written down and thought they’d make a good start to a post: Continue reading “Overheard in Glastonbury Town”

I hope you find this Tourist Map informative and useful on your trip to Glastonbury Town.
I must credit Phil Lucas whose idea I’ve pinched, see his map ‘Know Where to Sit on Brighton Beach’.

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The Raw and the Cooked – Food in Glastonbury

When I was a kid it was enough to be vegetarian, the hardcore became vegan, now in Glastonbury Raw Food is all the rage. For those who endeavour to ascend beyond the carnal altogether there is Breatharianism. I became a vegetarian at the age of 16, I’d like to say it was out of some great moral principle, but actually it was because some boy I fancied was vegan and I thought I might work up to that. Continue reading “The Raw and the Cooked – Food in Glastonbury”

The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd. Music Hall in Glastonbury.

She’s Behind You!

Nude, but not lewd, in Glastonbury

The bizarre can become commonplace in Glastonbury. Things that in other towns might cause consternation, shock or front page headlines often raise barely an eyebrow. Continue reading “Nude, but not lewd, in Glastonbury”

What’s Normal for Glastonbury?

I love Glastonbury, I’ve been visiting since the 8th of August 1988 (8/8/88 of course) and have lived here since July 1993. I’ve tried moving away, even emigrating, but I’ve been pulled back repeatedly – by the Glastonbury rubber band effect as it’s locally known. Glastonbury is an endlessly fascinating parade of engaging characters, mythology and history,  interesting shops, and great musicians. Except on my less positive days when it’s shabby, shambolic and full of nutters trying to blag a quid. Continue reading “What’s Normal for Glastonbury?”

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